Saturday 2nd December 2006, 6pm – Lauder Parish Church
Christmas at Lauder
A programme of carols, seasonal motets and organ music
Saturday 18th November 2006, 8pm – St Giles’ Cathedral, Royal Mile, Edinburgh
Bach Inspired
J S Bach Komm, Jesu, komm; Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
Gustav Holst Nunc dimittis
Giles Swayne Magnificat
Felix Mendelssohn Motets for double choir, Opus 78, a capella
Jonathon Harvey I love the Lord
Sunday 13th August 2006, 8pm – St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh
Festival Concert
Handel Dixit Dominus
Mozart Vespere Solennes de Confess
with The St Giles’ Chamber Ensemble
Saturday 10th June 2006, 8pm – St Giles’ Cathedral, High Street, Edinburgh
Summer Nights: Motets, Chansons and Madrigals
Palestrina Tu es Petrus
Josquin des Prez Ave Maria
Passereau Il est bel et bon
Delius To be sung of a summer night on the water
Arcadelt Il bianco e dolce cigno; Ave Maria
Debussy Trois Chansons de Charles d’Orléans
Janequin Le chant de oiseaux
Guerrero Ave virgo sanctissima; Duo seraphim
Morten Lauridsen Madrigali
Saturday 25th March 2006, 7.30pm – Reid Memorial Church, West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh
Mendelssohn Richte mich Gott
Bruckner Motets: Locus iste; Christus factus est; Os justi
Brahms Three Festival Anthems, op. 109: Unsere Väter; Wenn ein starker Gewappneter; Wo ist ein so herrlich Volk
Parry (from the Songs of Farewell): My soul there is a country; Never weather-beaten sail; There is an old belief
Stanford The Bluebird
Vaughan Williams The Turtle Dove; Three Shakespeare Songs
Saturday 11th March 2006, 8pm – St Giles’ Cathedral, High Street, Edinburgh
Passion and Resurrection
Schütz Matthäuspassion
Schütz Historia de Auferstehung Jesu Christi (with the Squair Mile Consort of Viols)