09 Jun Summer workshops
We are now able to confirm arrangements for the two workshops planned to develop further with Kevin Leomo the composition under the ‘Adopt a composer scheme’.
The virtual workshop will be on Tuesday 20th June 7 15-9 15 pm. Below is the link:
Join: https://potential2.zoom.us/j/89400873913?pwd=WmhSck50b09FbmFqcUZZYVJTUE41dz09
Password: 531755
Meeting ID: 894 0087 3913
The second ‘live’ workshop will be on 24 July 7 15 – 9 15pm. I hope to be able to confirm a venue in Edinburgh very soon.
If you want to and are able to take advantage of one or both of these important opportunities to compose with Kevin, please note these dates and times.
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