The soundtrack on this video is from our joint concert with Calton Consort and the Meadows Chamber Orchestra. It was held in St Cuthbert’s Parish Church in November 2022.

Our most recent concert was held in Aberdeen at St Machar’s Cathedral at 6.30 pm on Saturday 25th May:

“It was a lovely experience to hear such wonderful music yesterday evening. Rheinberger’s powerful Mass amply filled St Machar’s  ancient and venerable space, as did all the chosen pieces. Such a feast for the ears during Trinity week! “

“Your choir gave us such a thrilling and moving experience. …(we) wish we could hear it all again, because there was so much variety and magic in both performance and choice of pieces. …Ailie’s (Robertson) musical rendition of “Hallowe’en” is heartbreakingly beautiful.”

Recent feedback from our concerts …..

“Your guest soloists were excellent and really fitted the bill perfectly for the parts you asked them to sing. The Bernstein Ps 23 was glorious – that 14 year old voice was made for the solo. She’ll have an excellent voice in years to come, but she’ll never perform that solo as an adult as well as she did last night.”

“We both really enjoyed the concert last night – what a high standard!  I have sung the Bernstein and I know how many challenges it presents.  The other pieces certainly didn’t seem any easier.  We really enjoyed the Argentinian Mass, which I noticed had many audience members silently foot-tapping.  It was a terrific performance all round, and we are now looking forward to your concert of Renaissance music.”

“Wonderful. Great voices”

“Beautiful. Loved the mix of music and poetry.”

“Lovely well-balanced power, light and shade. Gibbons & Arcadelt my favourites.”

“A transcending repertoire skillfully presented for our delight. Glad I came!”

The choir first worked with Scottish conductor Iain McLarty in November 2015 and is delighted to be continuing to work with him for season 2023/24.